Cigarette smoking habits among adults in the UK, including how many people smoke, differences between population groups, changes over time and use of e-cigarettes.
people smoked cigarettes (aged 18 and above) in the UK in 2023
25 to 34 age
highest propotion of current smokers (14%)
5.1 million
adults aged 16 years and over uses an e-cigatette daily or occasionally
How to use these statistics
Important information:
These statistics rely on data from the Annual Population Survey (APS) and the Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (OPN).
With these statistics, you can:
find smoking estimates, all of which fall within a range (or confidence interval) that shows uncertainty around the estimate
compare trends over time, but be aware that some decreases, especially in 2020, could be because of sample sizes and methods changes
examine trends in smoking habits by local authority, but we advise focusing on long-term trends because short-term trends can vary more
With these statistics, you cannot:
compare smoking in the UK from the APS with smoking and vaping in Great Britain from the OPN: the surveys cover geographical areas and define a current smoke differently